web4orce 2025
internet entrepreneurs





Setup in 1999 Web4orce has focussed its attention mainly on small businesses and we pride ourselves that many clients from those days have remained with us ever since and long may it continue.


Our experts ensure that your website guides the viewer on a rewarding journey with the prime objective being to regularly convert those site visitors into appreciative customers and help spread the good word.




Responsive web design is nothing new but that doesn't make it any less important.


You want your website to look good and equally importantly to function correctly on any device.


The reason being more than 70% of people visiting your website will be using a mobile device.


What's more that number is increasing year on year.


If 'mobile users' struggle to view your site, they are going to go elsewhere.


Websites designed by us work across all devices and are always delivered to your specifications!


They include, mobile responsiveness, database integration, dedicated off-site hosting facilities, search engine optimisation, and are a fully managed package.




Our online commercial networks are sites setup with the express intention of promoting all types of businesses both large and small. This is one of the most effective search engine optimisation methods available to developers to provide valuable inbound hyperlinks that direct search engine robots to visit client sites.


Many top SEOs agree that receiving external links is the single most important objective for attaining high rankings. This stems from the idea that external links are one of the hardest metrics to manipulate and thus, one of the best ways for search engines to determine the popularity of a given web page.


A typical example are the External Links grouped together below. This idea was first used by the early search engine Alta Vista and later improved upon by by Google. Top SEOs believe that external links are the most important source of ranking power. External links are rated differently than internal links because the search engines consider them as third-party votes.


Inbound links are defined as links found elsewhere on the Internet that direct users to your website. Inbound links differ from reciprocal links, which occur when someone links to your site and your site links back to them in turn.


While these do factor into Google's Page Rank assessment and other search engine algorithms, they do not carry the same weight that one way, inbound links do. In addition to increasing your Page Rank and appealing to search engines, inbound links also work to increase traffic to your site. Essentially, our networks utilise the power of these links to advertise our client websites.






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  • Web4orce Ltd
  • Aireside House
  • Royd Ing Avenue
  • Keighley
  • West Yorkshire  BD21 4BZ
  • Tel : +44 (0) 845 548 8733






Privacy Policy

Acceptable Use Policy

The Internet is a powerful information and entertainment tool, we would expect our customers to use the Internet with respect, courtesy, and responsibility, giving due regard to the rights of other Internet users.

Our acceptable use policy is actively and strictly enforced. Offending content or users are removed from our network, usually as soon as they are discovered, although we will always inform you when and why any action has been taken.

Common sense is the best guide as to what is considered acceptable use, however the following are unacceptable uses.


In any form, including but not limited to the unauthorised distribution or copying of copyrighted software or other data, harassment, fraud, trafficking in obscene material.

Undesirable Content

Certain types of content are not allowed on our network. We do not host adult content of any description. Content relating to Hacking, Cracking, Warez and IRC is not allowed. Software downloads may only be hosted if you are the writer and copyright owner of the software, all other software including freeware, shareware and trial software is forbidden. Audio and video downloads may only be hosted if you are the creator and copyright owner of the work.

Bulk Email

The use of our network to send bulk email whether opt-in or otherwise, and the use of bulk email to promote a site on our network is strictly forbidden.

Misuse Of Resources

Including but not limited to employing applications which consume excessive CPU time, memory or storage space. Chat/IRC, web proxy and mailing list scripts are not allowed on our network under any circumstances. Streaming media can be a drain on web server resources and as such is not allowed. CGI based message forums which use flat file databases are often found to use excessive system resources, to avoid disappointment please use a PHP/ASP message forum.

If you are unsure about content you intend to place on our network, please check with us before you do. We reserve the right to determine what constitutes acceptable use.

Web4orce 2025


Terms & Conditions

Unless agreed in writing with Web4orce all services shall be payable in advance.

Future Charges

Invoices are submitted via electronic email 28 days in advance of the next period start date. In addition Invoices can be obtained and printed via the customer's online account.


The Customer will ensure that all payments are received by Web4orce on or before the due date. All payments must be in UK Pounds Sterling. If your cheque is returned by the bank as unpaid for any reason, you will be liable for a "returned cheque" charge of £35.

Late Payments

Web4orce reserves the right to suspend services without notice should the customer fail to make payment in full by the due date. A Final Reminder or Reminders will also be uploaded to the Internet displaying appropriate infomation. Subsequently, you will incur a minimum fee of £150 for each Final Reminder that has to be removed.

Very Late Payments

Failure to pay an outstanding invoice within 7 days or 1 month (whichever is applicable) following the due date will result as follows. A Default Notice or Notices will be uploaded to the Internet displaying your business name and address together with further appropriate infomation whilst stating the circumstances surrounding such an action. Subsequently, you will incur a minimum fee of £150 for each Default Notice that has to be removed.


Prices for services are guaranteed for the period that the customer purchased. Web4orce does not guarantee to reduce a customer's charges should Web4orce's charges be reduced at a later date. Web4orce reserves the right to change its prices at any time.

Contract duration

The duration of the contract shall be determined by the term purchased by the Customer or by the minimum term of the Services purchased by the Customer.

Auto Renewal Policy

Web4orce operate an Auto Renewal Policy on all products and services, which is designed to ensure continuity of service.

As per the Web4orce Cancellation Policy customers wishing to cancel their Auto Renewal must do so, giving 1 calendar months notice via Royal Mail Recorded Delivery duly signed for by Web4orce prior to the contract expiry date.

Any Auto Renewal notification emails will be sent to the email address that is contained within the customers account at the pertinent time. It is important therefore, that customers ensure their contact and billing details, and more specifically their email address is absolutely up to date.


Customers may cancel services at any time by giving 1 calendar months notice via Royal Mail Recorded Delivery and duly signed for as having been received by Web4orce.

Service upgrades

The Customer can request the upgrade of a Service at anytime. If the Customer has exceeded the minimum term of the Service Web4orce will agree with the Customer to credit any advanced payments Web4orce has received.

Complaints & Escalation Process

We like to think we get it right all the time, every time but the truth of it is everyone gets it wrong from time to time. We can only improve on our services with valid feedback from you, our customers. If you wish to make a complaint about a service you have received, please submit an email to us at complaints to web4orce including as much detail from the issue you have. We will acknowledge your complaint within 1 business day and aim to resolve any issues within 5 business days. If you’re not happy with the initial outcome of your complaint, you can escalate your complaint to a manager / director by emailing director at web4orce

Nominet's Terms of Use

To check out Nominet's terms and conditions visit their registration page by clicking on the following link: nominet terms


Whilst Web4orce will at all times make every effort to ensure the performance and delivery of Services that are directly within its control or not, Web4orce gives no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied for services provided to the Customer. Web4orce disclaims any warranty or fitness for a particular purpose. This includes loss of business, custom, loss of data and all service interruptions unless otherwise stated by Web4orce or agreed with the customer in writing.


The Customer will have no recourse to Web4orce if a customers account is in arrears; Web4orce has suspended or withdrawn services as a result of the customer being in breach of any of the terms in the use of the services; is subject to a wind-up order, has been placed into receivership, or ceased trading.


The Customer agrees that it shall defend, indemnify, save and hold harmless Web4orce from any and all demands, liabilities, losses, costs and claims, including all legal fees, that may arise or result from any service provided or performed or agreed to be performed by a Customer, its clients, agents, employees or representatives. (1) any injury to person or property caused by any products sold or otherwise distributed in connection with Web4orce's services; (2) any material supplied by customer infringing or allegedly infringing on the proprietary rights of a third party; (3) copyright infringement and (4) any defective Product sold via Web4orce's services.

These terms and conditions are subject to English Law.

Web4orce reserves the right to revise these terms at any time without due notice.

Web4orce 2025